Where We Are In The World

I thought it would be a neat idea to have a post dedicated to where we all are in the world. If you have rights to edit please add yourself to the list. If you don’t please leave a comment and one of us will add you to the list.

89 thoughts on “Where We Are In The World

  1. I have updated the list to include every up to Hugh. I decided to list everyone alphabetically by name, then with their blog, then location so if location changes it will be easier to edit later.


  2. Pingback: Where We Are In The World | Meredith's Musings

  3. I’m not sure what my status is, to be honest. 🙂 I haven’t figured out how to post to the group yet. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!!


  4. Hi!
    I got a tips on about this blog from Maria and I think it sound like something fun to be a part of. I emailed Meredith and was asked to hop in:) I am not really sure how to do it and what should be my role in this, but I think author or contributor might be it… I think I have some things to share from my home country Sweden. I am interested in gardening, photography, traveling (European destinations) and I have children, so I have some parenting experiences too… I am not sure if this is what you ask for. I have to read some more here to see the idea for your blog. I really like the idea of people from different places in this planet get together and start up some cooperation. I can surely contribute in some way:)
    My name is Linda and I today have a photography blog; http://kerlundphoto.se
    Great to find you, look forward to be apart of this:)


    • Hi Linda. I’m Nicole one of the other admins. Meredith is away from her computer. So am I. Ahh iPhones. Lol one of us will add you as an author when we get back to a computer. If you would please email me at dotnikdavis@gmail.com. I will need a picture that you want used for our Facebook fan page. I’m putting together a collage of all of our crew. Also there is a blog post for listing where you are located and a link for your blog. If you will reply to it with that info when I get back to my computer I will update the post with your information if you want I be included on the list. So happy to have you as part of the Covey Crew!!!!


    • Doh I just realized you commented on this post. Haha pardon me I’m on my phone and didn’t see what you had commented on!!!! I have your info for this part just send me an email with your picture please. 🙂


      • Well I see… IPhone might be great in a lot of cases but it has it’s limits:D I will send an email with my photo. Please tell me if there is something I need to know, restrictions, policys or other regulations.


      • We are all adults here and I think there is a general understanding that we have a common respect for one another. There hasn’t been any restrictions or real rules set yet. But please read through the posts and you will get an idea of what we are gearing toward. And please comment with any ideas. As soon as one of us makes it back to a computer and can add you you should be able to contribute more than just replying to posts. Yes iPhones do have a few limitations such as I can’t add people to the blog. That’s a biggie. Lol


      • Can you please send your picture again. As I responded to it I accidentally deleted it!!! I am not having a good day as far as gadgets an technology is concerned. Haha


    • Nance,What role do you want in the blog and I or Meredith can officially add you? Also can you email me a picture so I can include it in the facebook fanpage? We will need your email to send you an invite to the blog as well.


      • Jeepers–this got lost in cyber space! Sorry!! What roles are there? And what is your email? Mine = themomentsmatter@yahoo.com. I was sitting here lamenting the fact that I cannot do most of the things that have been keeping me sane, (simplifying my house via organizing, mini-redecorating, gardening, walking our two dogs, going to farmers markets, caring for our mini-pond,) due to my broken foot and hyper-sensitivity to fragrance. Then I read your blog and felt badly that I’d been having a pity party for myself. Bless your heart and soul–I’m so sorry you’re going through the stress of insurance crap as well as your health issues. Sending hugs!!!


      • I will email you as soon as I reply to this. Trust me a broken foot and hypersensitivity are good reasons to have a pity party. No matter if they are temporary or how much they affect you, they still affect you. Do not feel guilty over that! The truth is, so far there hasn’t been an insurance issue, my doctor is just trying to make sure there isn’t one in the future, I think. Either that or an alien abducted him and that wasn’t the same doctor I had been seeing at my appointments. Because seriously the convo Monday, was almost a complete 180 from the convo we had at my last appointment. It was the oddest thing. I will let my PCP figure it out tomorrow at my follow up with him. I see him pretty much every week to two weeks for a test I have and then we get together every month for a monthly follow up to catch up on notes from my other doctors. Lupus and APS means I see a lot of doctors. UGGGGG Tomorrow is my monthly follow up so we will have plenty of time to talk about the craziness that happened monday. *big hugs*

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Jill’s Scene: Hawkes Bay New Zealand. Hi everyone, I’m home and back on wifi and catching -up! Followed the link from Blogging 101 – what a great idea! Please may I join in?


  6. I have added through Christina with Skeenaandabook. IF I missed someone above there by accident please let me know. I tried my best to make sure I didn’t but my eyes are tired and so is my body (Lupus sometimes drains my energy before it’s time for bed). I’ll be on for a little while longer then I’m going to call it an early bed for tonight probably in an hour or so. I have an early doctor’s appointment tomorrow but will be around at some point to catch back up.


      • I’m not sure if I would be an editor or author! I will email you a picture tomorrow 🙂 I’m just not sure if I want a picture of me or of something generic. I’m so indecisive tonight. I haven’t been on in while, and I’m trying to catch up!

        thanks Nicole!


      • You are welcome. As for editor vs author. editor gives you the ability to edit other people’s posts if you happen to find a mistake while reading through the site. Author allows you to only post and edit your own. Let me know when you email me your picture and I will get you added to the blog. I’ll also send an invite to our ‘admin’ blog so you’ll have access to where we have all of our behind the scenes talks. 🙂


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