Simplify. Seems simple. It isn’t really…

I’m reblogging this onto Covey View. Enjoy!!

the moments matter

What’s the big deal about simplifying your life and home?  Why is there an increasing interest in this?  Why is it so doggone hard?  Well, it’s not thaaaat bad.  Unless you live with other folks that aren’t on the same page as you, the same thought process, the same goals.

I’m at that stage in life where I want to start downsizing.  Have you seen all the shows and articles and web sites related to tiny housing?  When my hubby and I (we just had our 16th anniversary, by the way–woohoo!!!) first got married, I moved into his 680 square foot house.  Tiny.  We were there before tiny was cool!  I wasn’t sure how to combine our two households effectively and beautifully, but persevered.  By the time we hit our first anniversary, I loved our little house.  It was cozy. It was complete.  It was welcoming.  It was adorable.  But then we found…

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The Latest Moments as Time Flies By

the moments matter

Goodness, I’ve let the trials and tribulations of life get in my way.  It’s been ages since I’ve written about anything.  It’s cold, still some snow on the ground, we had carpeting issues in the house, and there are changes at my church that are weakening my connection and therefore the support I’ve relied upon while I go through my life change due to my severe sensitivity to synthetic fragrance chemicals.  Oh, and I tried going dairy free, and cut back on gluten as well, thinking it might help with my fragrance sensitivity, but this just made me feel deprived.   But hey–only two more weeks till spring! Even though this seems like it’s been a long winter, it also feels like “wow! it’s almost over already!!”  I recently read an explanation of why time flies by as you get older.  Wish I could give credit for this, but I read so many things (love that internet!) that I can’t remember…

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Fall, From My Viewpoint

the moments matter

2014-10-18 Fall Beauty IV and Beads 006

Fall.  What a glorious season.  Friends tell me this season makes them melancholy because it’s the “death” season.  ohmygoodness–what a beautiful way to go!  Stunning colors everywhere.  I sincerely think this was one of the most gorgeous falls I’ve witnessed.  I mean STUNNING.

2014-10-21 Fall Beauty 2014 III 009

This lone leaf caught my eye and touched my soul.  It’s not very large, compared to most of the leaves, but my eye was caught by the intensity of the vivid coloring as it hid amongst the other leaves that hadn’t found their final burst of color before falling to carpet the ground.

Not only did they carpet the ground, but there was also a warm orange glow coming through the windows in the room next to this Sugar Maple.  Yes, a glorious fall…

2014-10-26 Fall Beauty 2014 II 007

This angel is wonderfully precious, as it strokes a tiny bird with love and kindness, and is also incredibly special.  It was my mother’s day present from my preschool son, who recently turned 14.  He and I wandered…

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The Swooping of a Red Tailed Hawk

the moments matter

Ohmyword. Sitting at my desk, which is next to a floor to ceiling window, I was privy to a red tailed hawk swooshing down from our roof, gliding across my yard and the street, where it swoop-landed on the roof of the house across the way. It took a short flight to go up further onto the peak, where it then spread it’s tail feathers broadly, precisely as I wondered what kind of hawk it was. No question–a gorgeous red tail was flashed for my eyes. Then it turned it’s head and looked back toward me. “Yes,” I mentally communicated. “I saw you, and I thank you for your visit. And you have a beautiful red tail.” ohmygoodness, I still haven’t caught my breath. The primal instinct to be afraid as a large bird of prey plunges in front of you, followed by the exultation of the glory of such…

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What’s your favorite hand-me-down??

the moments matter

Hand-me-downs vary in families. The best hand-me-downs I personally have are two of my mom’s recipe books.  I also have some old family photos which are very wonderful representations of the early 1900’s and family. But, honestly, the recipe books are more special. In one of the books are some yellowed handwritten recipe cards. I’d recognize her handwriting anywhere. She’d always swirl her hand above the paper to get into the “rhythm” of writing before the pen touched the paper. She said that’s how they were all taught to write. Mercy–cursive isn’t even taught in most schools anymore. It’s becoming a lost skill, with most things done on electronics with a keyboard. (whoa–that makes me sound old!!!) There are also newspaper clippings, golden with age, taped in that book. The tape is an even more vivid yellow-orange and curls a bit, the stickiness of it having dried out a long time…

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Simplifying My Mind, Home and Life

the moments matter

I was with my dear friend, Mary, and she asked me why I haven’t posted lately.  Guess I need to cross that bridge, get back into the habit, come out of my healing shell, and proceed.

Seen while on an adventure with Mary Seen while on an adventure with Mary

I partially blame lack of posts due to the distraction of having my 13 year old home with me during his summer break.  He needs me to entertain him more now than when he was a baby or toddler or preschooler.  Or even a grade-schooler!!   Just opposite of what I had imagined when he was little!  Having not worked since mid-January put a screeching halt on cash flow.  And most fun summer camps cost money.  Oh, and then there’s the matter of my injured foot, which still isn’t completely healed, but doing much better, as I posted yesterday.  That, too, limited the fun adventures we’d planned for the summer break, using up a teen’s extra…

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Toxic “Beauty” Products

This is important enough to me to reblog from my blog at

Thanks for reading, and let me know if you’ve found things to use that make you feel healthier.

the moments matter

I received this incredible post from with a video from EWG, (Environmental Working Group,) that’s right up my alley concerning chemicals in products we use on our bodies.

I hope this helps improve the awareness of how insane the situation is that we’re in the middle of.  Watch, get informed and pass the word.

With warm wishes on your journey,


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Canary in the Coal Mine??

the moments matter

Do you smell good?  Stay away, please.  This is so hard. I can’t be around most people who smell nice, can’t be in places that smell lovely, can’t use many products that are fragrant. I’m hyper-sensitive to chemically induced fragrances. That’s most of our world, ya know? Essential oil fragrances don’t seem to bother me–guess it’s because they’re “natural” and not man-made?? Man-made chemicals in general don’t agree with me. Why do I have to be the overly sensitive one? I LOVE fragrance. But it has the potential to literally kill me. People really have a hard time wrapping their brains around this. Now if this was a peanut allergy, everybody understands that one! Or shellfish. Or bees. But fragrance?? It’s mind-blowingly hard. Even the place I’m receiving my Zolair shot isn’t a fragrance free zone. This is THE asthma and allergy center in my area. They don’t make the…

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Twelve Years Young and I Lived

…in a brand new split level home in northern Wisconsin, with my mom and dad.  That was the year, ironically, that my parents also split.  Huh, I never thought about that correlation before.  We’d lived in a duplex across the street and got to watch the house being built.  I was incredibly shocked when I found it was ours!  It seemed so huge.  You couldn’t just holler to somebody as there was too much separation between rooms and floors.

Lots of stairs in the house, with landings and a boxed corkscrew effect.  When you walked in the front door, you could either go up a few stairs to the living room that had a brick fireplace set on the diagonal, or go down a short flight of stairs to the garage entrance,  with another short staircase leading into the family room.  The family room had a fireplace directly below the one upstairs, so we thought this place was really something because we had TWO fireplaces, never having had even one before.  In the family room, we had a honkin’ big new picnic table that I helped my dad stain and paint, and it was the only movable furniture in this long room.  I wonder why? The three of us would have picnics down there when it was too hot and humid outside, as well as having picnics all winter long with a fire in the fireplace. There were also built in benches under the windows to sit on, but I didn’t like them as they were terribly boxy and straight, and not at all comfortable.  You know, I haven’t thought about how quirky and unique this house was until just now. Funny, looking back.

Also down in the lowest level was the utility/laundry room and my dad’s “bathroom” with the only shower in the house, all in one room.  The shower was cinderblock, cold, dark, and I hated it. But I hated baths more, so I’d go down there to shower anyway.  My mom still had a wringer washer she preferred using.  She had a regular washing machine too, but said the wringer washer got clothes so much cleaner.  I can’t tell you how many times my fingers got “wrung” as I helped with the laundry.  (Not by choice!!)  There were clotheslines down there too, for rainy laundry days or winter weather.  We had a fairly new dryer, but my mom preferred hanging things to dry.  I didn’t like it because of the stiffness of the dried clothing, bedding and towels.  Especially the towels.  ooooh and washcloths.  Not pleasant at all, even though we used fabric softener!

If you were up on the main level, you’d go up another small flight of stairs to the three bedrooms and main bath.  I LOVED my bedroom.  Peach walls, white sheers on the windows (three large windows, so there was a LOT of light,) with white shades for privacy and darkness.  The best part was the crazy shag carpeting.  Surprisingly colorful for my parents; dark orange (almost a rust color,) medium orange that was Halloween pumpkin-ish, and yellow orange, like butternut squash.  The amazing thing was that we found a bedspread with those exact colors.  It was meant to be, I swear!!!  I had white French provincial hand me down furniture that I never really liked from my next older sister, consisting of  a huge dresser, a headboard, and make-up table with a little chair.  Never understood why we had a  make-up table since my mom wouldn’t let us wear any.  ha!  There was also a wonderful and simple bookshelf my dad and I made out of cedar, painted a shiny white.  He tried to talk me out of the high gloss, but that was what I saw in my head.  I still have it, and my son treasures it because his Grampa and I made it together. Honestly, I’d forgotten how much I treasure it too.

The kitchen was full of new “avocado green” appliances. Even the hood over the stove and the first dishwasher we ever had.  We were living in style, we thought. But I’d have moved back to central Wisconsin in a  heartbeat. That was where we were still together, still a family.  But then I wouldn’t have my orange shag carpeting…

With warm wishes on your journey,


Where would you go, Right Now?

I thoroughly enjoyed going “home” with this post, and wanted to share from my own blog,

the moments matter

Here’s today’s assignment from Writing 101, Day 2: If you could zoom through space in the speed of light, what place would you go to right now? INSTANTLY, I thought of the cottage at the Croan Cottages in County Kilkenney, Ireland.  I’m not kidding–instantly.  I felt like I was home when I was there.  It was only about 800 square feet.  But it was in IRELAND.  I’d wanted to go to Ireland since I was about eight years old, when there was an article in LIFE magazine.  I would gaze at those pictures in the article, absolutely craving to smell the air, to see the rolling green hills dotted with baa-ing sheep and happy cows, to hear the brogue as people speak.  I was sure my eventual husband would be an Irishman, so I could hear that brogue every day.  Ha!  The thoughts of an eight year old!!

For my 50th birthday, my wonderful husband totally shocked…

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