Inspiring You

It’s easy to be happy in a happy place not so easy in a tough place. That takes guts and determination..

If you want to really live trust yourself~

Some days you smile and act as though nothing is wrong. Some days you just need to let someone know what you ‘re feeling~

It is essential to love yourself so you can truly love others~

Be You

When you feel your lowest from a setback remember the best highs are from a major comeback~

BE STRONG – When you feel your weakest
BE BRAVE – When you are the most scared
BE HUMBLE – When you are victorious

Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway. – John Wayne

The best way to cheer yourself up is to cheer somebody else up. – Mark Twain

*originally published on Live Laugh Love

Be a Survivor Be a Warrior

I wasn’t going to post anything about Domestic Violence, it touches so many people’s lives. We all have to become more aware and stand up, speek out and say end Domestic Violence.

Oregon, My Memories: Part I

I lived a pretty good share of my life in Oregon. Sharing a few memories is how I would like to introduce myself today to the Covey View Blog. I am not a true Southern, nope. I have lived here now over half my life, for some that would make you a Southern Lady through and through, not a Southern Bell. Continue reading

Let me know what you think of the…

Let me know what you think of the menu of our categories above, and the colors.